jClix Rockbox Themes - iPod Video
Long time since I wrote here, so please don't be mad at me, I had a lot to do, but fortunately I got some free time between the big rush, and I managed to finish my new theme.
So this would it be:

It is a port of the original iRiver Clix theme, but it's not just a port it is more than that because I redid the whole design even the littlest pixel, but the idea is from the iRiver Clix that's true.
Again I created 11 themes with different backgrounds so if you bored with one you can choose a new one, and if you want your own background just download the psd file and make your own theme.
IMPORTAT: as you can see this theme needs some patches because it has multiple font faces on the wps and you can change the position of the menu and have different colors for the text on the wps and so on, so I will try to explain you which patch what does so you can implement them in your build. Note: these patches should support all other themes, so you should be able to use the original rockbox themes with these patches.
* jClix Theme Package
* Rockbox jBuild to use the themes
* custom_display_width.patch
* custom_list_position.patch
* customline.patch
* multifont.patch
* multifont-userfonts.patch
Click on the patches for more info, they are now on the rockbox tracker and I hope they will be useful for your future themes.
Fonts: the fonts used in these themes are included in the theme package, so you shouldn't have problems using them.
* The album arts for the themes should be 85x85 sized, I know this is not a standard size, but the builds don't support album art anyway (for now), because I'm waiting for the new album art to come out wich should have scaling capabillities.
Copyright: again, some of the backgrounds may be copyrighted but I hope their creators won't be mad at me for using them, I really enjoy your backgrounds people and would like to thank you for making them, and if you see your background and would like to see your name here, please drop me a letter, I would be happy to have your name on my site :)
Enjoy as always,
So this would it be:

It is a port of the original iRiver Clix theme, but it's not just a port it is more than that because I redid the whole design even the littlest pixel, but the idea is from the iRiver Clix that's true.
Again I created 11 themes with different backgrounds so if you bored with one you can choose a new one, and if you want your own background just download the psd file and make your own theme.
IMPORTAT: as you can see this theme needs some patches because it has multiple font faces on the wps and you can change the position of the menu and have different colors for the text on the wps and so on, so I will try to explain you which patch what does so you can implement them in your build. Note: these patches should support all other themes, so you should be able to use the original rockbox themes with these patches.
* jClix Theme Package
* Rockbox jBuild to use the themes
* custom_display_width.patch
* custom_list_position.patch
* customline.patch
* multifont.patch
* multifont-userfonts.patch
Click on the patches for more info, they are now on the rockbox tracker and I hope they will be useful for your future themes.
Fonts: the fonts used in these themes are included in the theme package, so you shouldn't have problems using them.
* The album arts for the themes should be 85x85 sized, I know this is not a standard size, but the builds don't support album art anyway (for now), because I'm waiting for the new album art to come out wich should have scaling capabillities.
Copyright: again, some of the backgrounds may be copyrighted but I hope their creators won't be mad at me for using them, I really enjoy your backgrounds people and would like to thank you for making them, and if you see your background and would like to see your name here, please drop me a letter, I would be happy to have your name on my site :)
Enjoy as always,
Hi... you really got me and my friends worried you've gone missing in action with your wonderful themes, patches and whole contribution to the Rockbox experience. If it wasn't for your artwork for Rockbox, me and my friends wouldn't have installed it in the first place. Just thought that you should know here in Puerto Rico you have some people thanking you for your effort and hope you keep bringing more of your great artwork to Rockbox.
Alberto Olivo, at 7:42 AM, August 29, 2006
Thanks Alberto, it's soooooo good to here things like these, I hope I'll be able to keep up the work I already have some new themes in mind :) but sometimes it's hard with all the other work I have on me, but I promisse even if I won't write for weeks :) I allways will try to keep my work on rockbox, you know I don't want to see in the news showing sad peoples in Puerto Rico :)
Thanks man!
Julius, at 9:31 AM, August 29, 2006
Hey I just have to say that these are darn sexy!
Installing some now, many thanks for your hard work!
Anonymous, at 10:04 AM, August 29, 2006
Hi Julius. Is there a forum in which you discuss issues with your themes? It's just that I installed your new themes and jbuild and now the jBlackGlass (especifically jBlackGlass-5 that combines perfectly with mt MINI's interior lighting) has the all text out of place (menu and wps text). I read that your new themes and patches would be backward compatible with your previous themes. Just let me know where is a good forum to work this out. If there's any information you need just let me know.
Alberto Olivo, at 10:23 AM, August 29, 2006
Hi Alberto,
Yeah, the forum is here:
and yes, the patches will be backward compatible, or should I say the themes will be because I plan to rewrite my old themes to these new patches, so they won't need any custom ones, but till then the old jBlackGlass and Green5g won't work with the new builds, but I hope in the following days I can do the changes on the old themes, so keep an eye on the forum/site.
Julius, at 10:37 AM, August 29, 2006
Why can't we have an incredibly well done theme like this for the Nano? Anyone up to porting it? :P
Anonymous, at 7:52 PM, August 30, 2006
Will there be a port for the iPod Photo/Color (4G models?) I'm using jBlackGlass at the moment but this new one looks even better!
nick, at 1:21 AM, September 01, 2006
You have breathed new life into my 5g Ipod...now I won't be so tempted to get the latest and greatest device from Apple :) Thanks!
Anonymous, at 1:00 PM, September 05, 2006
I used your jClix theme with senab's latest build, and not the theme freezes every time I try and shut it down (right at the [Shutting Down Screen]. I know its the theme because when i reset the settings to default it shuts down fine. I dont know what happened because it worked well for a while and now it isn't. Help?!
Anonymous, at 4:47 PM, September 06, 2006
It would be nice if you could do this themes for the iPod nano as well :)
greetz Denis
Anonymous, at 1:22 PM, September 08, 2006
Hi Julius:
Besides the comment I posted on your bootloader-fullscreenlogo about a guy-holding-ipod-video splash screen image for the girls out there using rockbox, I thought of your art also displayed in the 'do not disconnect' screen. I know that with the iPod firmware you can change it, but don't know if it can be done in rockbox. Also would be good if the album art patch could also read jpg's besides bmp's.
Just sharing some thoughts. Hope your doing OK,
Alberto Olivo, at 2:56 PM, September 08, 2006
Hi Guys,
Here are my thoughts about yours :)
Vulcan: Noone said you can't have such a theme in your Nano, the only thing keeping you from having it is you don't do it :) I know it would be better if someone else would do it, but why wait, when I first downloaded rockbox I didn't have any good themes and then I said to me, why wait till someone does something pretty, lets start and do it myself, and you see the result don't you? :) so just download the psds and make some smaller version of them and there you go.
Nick: The only thing keeping me from porting this theme over the 4g is the time, as you know most of us have an official job, so we do these things in our free time, and I would prefer to spend that time on things like fixing scrolling text in the customline patch and so on, and as always I shared the psds with you guys exactly for this reason, so you can start porting them to other platforms, so as I said to Vulcan just download the psd and start playing around.
Anonymous: happy to hear, btw which one is the latest device from Apple? did they release something new?
Anonymous: regarding your problem with the freezes, I noticed that a lot of people get this error with their latest builds, it may but may not this theme related, I always used my builds and I never got any of these problems, so I'm not sure, but you could try with my build I know it doesn't has album art, but I will try to implement that in my next release till then I think is better to have a working build as a full patched one which freezes every minute :)
Denis: hmmm, let me think about it :) ok, I'm done :) just kiding, but as I see you are the fifth one who asks for this, so why don't you guys put your heads together and port them over? really if you have the time and you really want it, I'm sure you can do it too.
Alberto Olivo: I'm not sure about the disconnect screen, but I think in rockbox that can't be changed because rockbox uses the "bios"' for this screen and the original firmware has a different code for this one, so I think it's not possible, but correct me if I'm wrong. Regarding the girl, you know, I didn't do the girl, I wish I had, but I didn't :( so that's why I won't do a guy :) but you may ask the author of the gir to see what he says: S3TUP (profile)
I hope I could help some of you guys, if there is anything you/I forgot just write me as alwyas, and I promise I will try to answer you sooner than now.
Julius, at 12:17 AM, September 09, 2006
hello julius, excellent work on the wpss. could it be possible for you to create something appropiate for car usage with clear big fonts? i cant for the the life of mine figure out how to create them, and since i'm using your patched version, all the wps that i have found on the net for car usage look very weird. thank you.
Anonymous, at 1:12 PM, September 10, 2006
Thanks for this wps which really impresses me!!
Your the best!
Anonymous, at 10:54 AM, September 13, 2006
looks like a brilliant theme but i have a problem with it---would be grateful of some advice :)
the issue is that when i go to the now playing screen, where i might see the artist/track/album art and all that kind of thing, there's no text. i've got an ipod 5g so i'm not quite sure why it's not working... could it be that i'm playing flac files??
thanks :)
Anonymous, at 3:03 PM, September 14, 2006
I installed the theme and it looks
better than great...
but the problem is ...
how do i fix it?? do i have to download all the patches up there to run other themes as well???
THX for helping me out
Anonymous, at 1:36 PM, September 17, 2006
Good job...keep up the good work :)
Anonymous, at 4:08 AM, September 21, 2006
Hi Guys,
Back again to answer your questions/comments :) so lets start:
Anonymous: I'm using these themes when I drive but I never had any problems reading them maybe because I doesn't read while I drive :) but anyway, there are some big font themes around on the rockbox wps section so you could try some of them, and regarding your problem, because we changed the pathces in our last builds you should be able to use the normal themes with my builds becasue the patches shouldn't affect the rest of the themes, but write me if there is anything.
Anonymous: (or should I call you "p") It seems your arent using the latest build, please be sure to redownload the latest builds from here and make sure when your ipod boots up you can see a girl holding a black ipod, beacuse if you can't it's almost sure you didn't do something right and you aren't using the right build.
Anonymous: (again :)) you should be able to change themes by pressing the menu button on your ipod and selecting Browse Themes menu and selecting the theme you want.
I hope this helps guys.
Julius, at 6:02 AM, September 27, 2006
Is there any way to smooth out the font, similarly to what cleartype does in Windows? Thanks =]
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM, October 02, 2006
Hi julius,
Which of your builds works with Ipod Nano?
Also, do this builds have the margins patch?
I am trying to adapt some wps with cover Art for Nanos.
Juan Pablo, at 3:01 PM, October 19, 2006
The patch I mentioned before is scrolling margins.
Juan Pablo, at 3:20 PM, October 19, 2006
Ok, I have being reading the comments on the patch and it seems they are not compatible or has it being fixed?
I couldn't understand it all very well.
Juan Pablo, at 10:19 AM, October 20, 2006
Julius, please could you sync your patches to the latest CVS.
Anonymous, at 9:54 AM, November 09, 2006
Just wanted to say that I installed and love your themes. Rockbox on the ipod just wouldn't be as compelling without them.
- Stephan
Anonymous, at 5:49 PM, November 09, 2006
Your themes is not work with codepage 1251 - with russian language %(((( it is suxx!!!
Anonymous, at 11:03 PM, November 12, 2006
i just wanted to say thanks for such an amazing theme looks so neat on my ipod
can't believe i have finally got rid of that damn itunes crap!
keep up the good work, all the best
Anonymous, at 12:01 PM, November 19, 2006
Hey dude, I just wanted to ask where you put the album art? Other than that, your themes all look great :D
Anonymous, at 1:32 AM, November 25, 2006
Great builds and Wps' will any new builds be released?
Anonymous, at 3:38 PM, December 10, 2006
Hey I'm completely new at this, and I have no idea how to patch these files such as custom_list_position.patch, I've gone through lots of forums and guides on how to do it, but it's all too overwhelmingly confusing i even downloaded some crazy program VMware Player but no luck. if you could explain to me how to apply this patch or at least refer me to a good guide it would be much appreciated. Thanks a bunch
Anonymous, at 12:05 AM, December 27, 2006
YOUR ARE AWESOME!!!! These themes look so good. I hope you will make some more.
Anonymous, at 2:06 PM, January 02, 2007
Hi Guys,
First of all thanks for all the posts you made and then please accept my apologies for not getting back to you earlier, I really try to do my best to handle my private things too but unfortunately lately there was to much work on me so I wasn't able to get back to you guys.
Anyway, here is the current situation so you all know about it:
As you can see I wasn't able to make new builds in the last few months and I think I won't be able to do so in the next few ones too, but after that I hope/think/looks like things will cool down a bit and I will be able to pick up the work again on the rockbox patches/builds because I really miss it, so if you can please wait a bit more and you should have some new builds to play with.
To the ones who have the "no partition found error" I think there are two things that can happen to you, first of all you arent' using my builds and you are using the themes, or you are using the builds but you have to reset your ipod. Just try to swith the hold button on when you turn your ipod on and that should reset the rockbox settings so that should help (or at least I hope so)
No regarding future help, I recommend you guys to contact me trhough messenger I may not answer you all the time but you can be sure it will be a lot faster than commenting here and please don't be shy, if I won't answer you in the first just try again tomorrow and so on because there are days when I come home late so even if I have unanswered messenger windows I won't asnwer them because I'm to tired but next day I would do so, so just try again.
So guys, that would be the situation here, so just wanted to let you know that I'm not dead and I won't let my rockbox patches/themes die either.
Julius, at 4:46 AM, January 05, 2007
do you think it'd be possible to add some of the patches that are in senab's build to yours? I mostly need LCD brightness control (for video ipod)
Anonymous, at 2:01 PM, January 18, 2007
Hi Anonymous,
Unfortunately I have to say "no" to your questions, I don't have the time to add more patches to the builds, you know patches conflict with eachother so I would have to rewrite the patches so they can be applied to the source and so on, so what I could recommend you to do is to download the sources with all the patches already applied and play around with it, that way you won't have to apply every patch one by one just the ones which you would like to have additionally. So short answer, sorry but I won't be able to add more patches.
Julius, at 8:34 AM, January 23, 2007
i can't thank you enough, my girl loves the iclix themes thanx a lot much luck with new ones.
Anonymous, at 4:06 AM, January 25, 2007
so, are you also going to abandon the custom bootloader as well?
well, if that's the case, can you at least upload the source so some more ambitions programmers may take up the (temporary) lead and bring the loader up-to-date.
Anonymous, at 10:39 PM, February 07, 2007
Hi Anonymous,
What do you mean by "abandon the custom bootloader as well"?????? what did I abandon? maybe my girlfriend :) yes I did because you know we didn't get on well with echother lately but hey that's life :)
FYI: if you read the text that I have on the site and the others comments you will see that all the sources are up so if you are one of the ambitions programmers you should open your eyes a bit wider :) otherwise you won't recognize the characters :)))
Anyway, here are the codes if you are interested:
Julius, at 12:30 AM, February 08, 2007
Wonderful, wondeful work Julius!! It is amazing how you can produce such lovely themes. I am farely new to rockbox, but I am trying to learn to the best that I can. I currently have your jClix theme for my ipod video 30gb, everything is working great, except for the little bar that shows when the music progresses, it is on top of the album name.
Can you please tell how to fix this problem? Thankyou so much, and continue with your great work, I hope to see more beautiful themes from you in the future!!
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM, February 19, 2007
Hi Ivet,
Thanks for the kind words, I'm really happy that you like them.
Regarding your problem, it's odd because it shouldn't happen are you using the latest theme package? (20060929)
Is the rest of the text aligned right? Which build are you using? (20070120)
Hope this helps sorry but I don't really have any other ideas but I hope the above things will help.
Julius, at 6:22 AM, February 20, 2007
Thanks for such a quick reply Julius! Well, I initially download your jClix theme from the rockbox-themes.org site, here was the link they provided to download from:
But I did download the jbuild. Is this the lastest jBuild for my 30gb video iPod?: rockbox-jbuild-5g-20070120.zip
The link you provide at your site (http://pijulius.com/julius/rockbox/themes/) to download the themes for are written like: jClix-20060930.tar.gz
How does that (.tar.gz) work? I normally just download a .zip folder and extract all of the folders to their matching ones in my iPod-->rockbox folder.
Is their any way you have the latest jClix theme package available in a .zip folder, or is the one I downloaded from the rockbox-themes.org site it? Also is that, (rockbox-jbuild-5g-20070120.zip) the correct and latest jBuild I downloaded for this theme?
Everything else is aligned including the text, just the small bar showing as the music progresses is not aligned.
Anonymous, at 12:07 PM, February 20, 2007
Julius, I figured out what a .tar.gz file is. But still no luck. I download and extracted both the theme package and jBuild several times, but no change, the progressing bar still is not correctly aligned. It is so weird, I cannot figure out what could possibly be causing this problem.
Anonymous, at 6:17 PM, February 20, 2007
Hi Ivet, I left you a detailed explanation on the rockbox forum I hope that will be helpful:
Julius, at 2:23 AM, February 21, 2007
Thank you so much for that explanation Julius. Thanks for your great explanation in the forums, thanks to your help I have finally gotten the progessing bar to be correctly aligned. Thanks soooo much again!! It's wonderful!
Anonymous, at 1:09 PM, February 21, 2007
Hey Julius love this theme, Im really new to rockbox, only been using it for 15hours actually, and I love jclix but i cant get it to work on my Ipod...Ive got the Ipod video 5.5gen 30gb and can only get the theme to work when I downloaded these files from your binary... rockbox-jbuild-5g64MB-20070120.zip & jClix-20060930.tar.gz ...Ive tryed all your rockbox jbuilds but this combination is the only one that works, and diplays the text right on my ipod.....but after using it, either using the plugins (nothing custom, just whatever you have chucked in) or play music, it freezes and displays either "Prefetch abort at (different codes at times)" or "data abort"....What am I doing wrong....please help cause you are the best thing to happen to ipods since the clickweel...
Anonymous, at 3:24 AM, March 06, 2007
I have a 5.5g ipod and I just tried downloading these themes. It seems like they work but the thing is is that the background picture is not showing. Instead it is just a black screen on the main menu. I go to play a song and the media player bar is there but it seems to be out of place and everything seems to be scattered around except the battery pic up top. Is the main menu suppose to look any different and why is everything out of place? Did I do something wrong?
Anonymous, at 6:59 PM, April 18, 2007
hi julius!
well im stuck in india.wid nobody to help me out with this.love your themes.but am i supposed to download all of those files?coz i cant make head or tales of it..could you PLEASE healp me out?
Anonymous, at 11:13 AM, May 03, 2007
hey julius ,
great job with the themes man...
like the guy whos posted above ,i cant seem to figure anything out of this ...i hav a 30 gig video ipod..help me out here
Anonymous, at 5:05 PM, May 10, 2007
I am pretty stupid could someone e-mail me at r.a.whitson@att.net on specific/step-by-step instructions on how to get this on my rockbox ipod video 5G.
apple550, at 5:31 PM, May 14, 2007
Simply great. What can I say? Find great download sites for unlimited iPod downloads. Also read this article on iPod music downloads.
Anonymous, at 7:47 AM, June 19, 2007
Hey man. Great job with the theme. I installed rockbox on my iPod video today and your theme is made default :-). But I have an issue. When I'm in the menu and i'm scroling the menu items are not highlited. Insted I have a small arrow on the left side when I'm scroling wich is a little tough to see. How can I fix this?
Thx. jolebole(@)gmail.com
Anonymous, at 7:38 PM, June 24, 2007
Hi Jole,
To change the select style just go to your iPod rockbox's menu:
Settings -> General Settings -> Display -> LCD Settings -> Line Selector
and select "Bar (inverse)" and there you go.
Julius, at 5:06 AM, June 25, 2007
Julius, on more recent rockbox builds on the JClix themes the alternating sublines will occasionally jump into the font of something scrolling, then jump back leaving these little text artifacts on the screen from the jump. I understand that you have other work occupying your time more now but if you get a chance can you look into that. I'm at wits end trying to figure it out. Thanks
Anonymous, at 10:26 PM, July 19, 2007
Why do I get a HTTP 403 (forbidden) error when I try to go to the themes link??
Anonymous, at 6:17 AM, July 23, 2007
Sorry guys, we had to move the sites to a new server and I forgot to configure the directory listening in the apache conf, but now things should be back to normal.
Julius, at 8:39 AM, July 23, 2007
It seems that 80gb is not supported in your rockbox build? Im getting a no partition error all the time, just after the logo with the girl
any help yould be nice... really like your themes!!!
Unknown, at 4:06 PM, July 25, 2007
Nevermind about what I said about the jumping fonts on those alternating RTC sublines for JClix Julius. Adding that switch case statement for the fonts into write_line in gwps-common.c before the putsxy lines fixes this. I'm not sure, but I think the 60 and 80 gig owners never experienced this. Next time please respond though. I don't spam people, if I try to reach you it is for a legitimate reason.
Anonymous, at 8:36 PM, July 25, 2007
If your refering to the text on the up left, if you can help me out to fix that, its shopping all the time, kinda annoying...
I got the theme to work on my 80 gb, you have to use a diffrent build (Evil-G fusion) for it to work.
Unknown, at 5:36 AM, July 26, 2007
Thanks Soheil for your comment, Yes guys, Soheil is right, I wanted to write exactly the same, please use the Evil-G Fusion builds cos they are updated often and I update mines only when I need a new build on my iPod, but as I get older as more I only care about just having a working device than having the newly releases :) but thanks for the great Rockbox community the patches were picked up by other developers and the themes got fixed too so just look around on rockbox forum and bug tracker and I'm almost sure you will have all the answers.
Julius, at 6:48 AM, July 26, 2007
Dear Julius! Can you please tell me were and what I need to change to get rid of the time and date at the top left corner. Its all messed up with letters missing and stuff, I can work well with just the battery meter.
thanks once again for a great theme! (only reason I installed rockbox)
Unknown, at 4:55 PM, July 26, 2007
There are many nice wallpapers sized for ipod on interfacelift.com
I was wondering if I could email you a few and you could add them to your site? I do not know how to modify the psd files properly!!
Anonymous, at 6:00 PM, July 29, 2007
Dear Soheil,
Please read the wps howto found on the rockbox's page:
and that will explain everything that you need to know to make your life esier.
Dear David,
Sorry but I really don't have the time to start making wps-es on requests, you can find a lot of easy to learn photoshop howtos on the net (just google around a bit) and you will see it's soo easy to change the backgrounds for any of the psd-s I created cos they are grouped so you don't even have to mix around in the wrong places you can just easily change the background and keep the rest intact.
Julius, at 12:35 AM, August 01, 2007
I have some album art saved on my desktop in 85x85 at 24 bit in the bmp format but i don't know where to put the image so it will work with your themes. The image name is the album's name.bmp Could you please help me out with any little info, thanks.
Anonymous, at 9:26 PM, August 04, 2007
i forgot to add in the above comment that i have your build with the necessary patches and using it on my 5g 30gb ipod video
Anonymous, at 10:43 PM, August 04, 2007
Hey Julius, I just want to thank you for all the great builds/themes/patches. =]
jClix themes for the 5g are by fat the nicest.
seeing your themes made me actually want to download rockbox
but when i finished installing your build+themes. i noticed one small stuck pixel, its not dead, just an annoying green.
if you know how to fix this, please email me at danjo33@gmail.com
thanks, Daniel
Anonymous, at 5:10 PM, August 06, 2007
Could you port this theme to the Sandisk Sansa e200? I would really like it.
Thanks - Jiiprah
Anonymous, at 12:57 PM, August 25, 2007
Hello Julius Sorry to bother but I am really bad with rockbox, I like a lot your themes but on my Ipod they don't look like the pictures, when I play a song it's like the regular rockbox, how can I get those perfect themes? can someone please help me out with this...thanks And keep up your amazing work...
Anonymous, at 3:08 PM, October 31, 2007
Hi Guys,
To use the themes you should really use the new builds from the rockbox forum called "EvilG fusion" one you will find in the custom builds thread at forums.rockbox.org and look up the themes thread too cos these themes have been already modified to support some new patches so those new themes should look just like these with the modifications.
Julius, at 2:45 AM, November 03, 2007
See Also:
How To Download Ipod Games And Music For Free - Tips For Finding Top Sites For Unlimited Ipod Downloads
Unlimited Ipod Entertainment - Discover The Best Sites For Unlimited Free Ipod Music, Movies, Games, Wallpapers, Software & More
Nitin Verma, at 6:23 PM, November 04, 2007
i can install the them right but when i try to install your jbuild it sais "partition not found, plug in usb to fix!" can anyone help me
Unknown, at 5:19 PM, December 19, 2007
Hi Brett, unfortunately as you can see the builds are pretty old, but I found out that there is a build called "tdtooke's Underground Build" which works with these theme (thanks Tim for letting me know!) so just search around for this build and you should have a working version.
Julius, at 1:00 AM, December 20, 2007
interesting blog. i discovered a huge problem in sony vaio extended warranties. see my blog and if you do not mind can you give me some suggestions so people are aware of this? its at abdulbrain.blogsot.com thank you.
abdulbrain, at 2:29 PM, January 08, 2008
Don't try to hijack this comment thread abdul.
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM, January 19, 2008
hi, this idea is great but how do i apply this theme on my iPod. Just wanna know how to do it right. i Don't wanna crash my ipod.
Anonymous, at 6:33 PM, February 11, 2008
sorry I feel like such a tool for asking this
but I just cannot figure out how to put it on my ipod
i have everything downloaded and stuff just no clue how to put it on
someone please e-mail me living.in-fear@hotmail.com
help would be greatly appreciated!
Anonymous, at 7:25 PM, March 04, 2008
These themes look great!
I'm using a sansa e200 so I cant actually run them, however I am using your fonts. I love the white writing! :D
Would it be possible to port them to the e200? (otherwise I'll just change the backdrop size and use a different wps) :)
Anonymous, at 4:09 AM, April 08, 2008
Hey Julius! I've been always been a fan of your phkTAPE theme for rockboxed iPod video, I have to agree it is your masterpiece as you say here http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsIpod5gGraveyard#phkTAPE :) I modyfied your theme so now it works with current Rockbox versions (3.0 and up), featuring things like left wheel tape winding while the right wheel unwinds, a small album art icon that looks quite nice, since current Rockbox versions resize album art images... Would you let me post it here? : http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?target=ipodvideo I'd really like to keep this great theme alive. (of course all the original credits would remain yours). Cheers! audio-i
Anonymous, at 3:57 PM, July 14, 2009
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