jBlackGlass for iPod Photo/Color
Seth Jenkins kindly asked me to port the jBlackGlass iPod Video theme to the iPod photo, so I did :) but before I take all the credits :) I should say that I couldn't do it without his help, hi helped me a lot with testing and so on, so I would like to thank him for all his help and time with this! Thanks again Seth!
So here you go:

* Download the whole package including all themes: jBlackGlass-$yourdevice$-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz
* Patches: Get the latest patches from here
* Rockbox prebuild binaries (with all the patches applied): rockbox-jbuild-YYYYMMDD-$yourdevice$.tar.gz (IMPORTANT: you will need the latest rockbox daily build and after installing that on you iPod overwrite the files with the ones from my build)
* Download PSD files from here
Copyright: I think I stay with the same note that I wrote at the video version of this theme.
NOTE: A lot of people asked me for the font (nedore-9.fnt) which is used by the theme, and because the fonts are provided by rockbox I didn't pack them into my themes, so VERY IMPORTANT download the latest font package from the rockbox server and you should have the right fonts.
Enjoy your iPod :)
So here you go:

* Download the whole package including all themes: jBlackGlass-$yourdevice$-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz
* Patches: Get the latest patches from here
* Rockbox prebuild binaries (with all the patches applied): rockbox-jbuild-YYYYMMDD-$yourdevice$.tar.gz (IMPORTANT: you will need the latest rockbox daily build and after installing that on you iPod overwrite the files with the ones from my build)
* Download PSD files from here
Copyright: I think I stay with the same note that I wrote at the video version of this theme.
NOTE: A lot of people asked me for the font (nedore-9.fnt) which is used by the theme, and because the fonts are provided by rockbox I didn't pack them into my themes, so VERY IMPORTANT download the latest font package from the rockbox server and you should have the right fonts.
Enjoy your iPod :)
Wow, amazing skin man (I noticed it is from WMP11). I love it, thanks a lot.
Anonymous, at 9:20 PM, May 28, 2006
I'd edit if I could so sorry about this if your freak out about double posting but...
I have to say that your " Green5g Rockbox theme" is even cooler, if you could port it for the iPod Color/Photo, that would be amazing.
Thanks for your contributions.
Anonymous, at 9:24 PM, May 28, 2006
Hi Nick,
Green5G is a port of an already existing photo version :)
Check out the MisticRiver forum where the development is done, originally I think GTS-R was the creator of this theme, but now there are a lot new themes based on this one, just check out the forum and see the screenshots :)
Julius, at 6:37 AM, May 29, 2006
Could you please include Unicode support? please =)
Anonymous, at 6:36 PM, July 27, 2006
Please try Senab's builds for your pleasure and ask him to include the unicode support patch because the problem is that I try to write new patches and it's pretty hard to do them with all other patches already applied to the source that's why in my latest builds I didn't use almost any other patch besides my owns.
Hope this helps,
Julius, at 12:06 PM, August 30, 2006
excellent design work, man
any idea why your theme allows the menu on my iPod color (4G) to start 1 pixel under the battery indicator instead of nicely under your blue 'MENU' bar?
the 'currently playing' text isn't positioned correctly either
i'm guessing i made a boo-boo installing something or other, but i'm also betting a person of your intellectual stature would be able to easily navigate my current issue, allowing us both to feel better about humanity for a short while
vancouver, bc, canada
Woman with a View, at 8:17 PM, September 13, 2006
hi Sean,
It seems like you aren't using the latest theme and build packages, please be sure to redownload these two packages and install them on your ipod:
This should fix your problem, but please note ther is no album art support in my builds (yet) but I plan to add it in the next release.
ps: I hope humanity is feeling better now :)
Julius, at 11:33 PM, September 13, 2006
*** alert alert ***
Humanity has hope in Julius; it's corrected.
What was the 'jbuild' version as compared with the 'latest daily' which I had previously installed from the main site?
Woman with a View, at 6:18 PM, September 14, 2006
Hi Sean,
I'm not sure I understood your question as I should but I mark my builds with the same date as I use for the source, so for e.g. if I downloaded the source on 2006-08-20 I will mark my build with the same date.
Julius, at 6:04 AM, September 27, 2006
* problem *
Rockbox is working just fine. :p
But I can't see the track-id's.
How do I fix this, so I can see witch song I'm playing.
My E-mail: matthiasroels_a3@hotmail.com
Anonymous, at 3:27 AM, November 03, 2006
Hi J,
Sorry about the anonymous post, but I seem to have a problem with the themes on my ipod 4g. first of all though, your themes are gorgeous, and I appreciate all your hard work. I downloaded the correct binary and the latest build, and installed the themes. I tried out the first jblackglass theme, and it worked beautifully. However, when I tried to use the second theme, I got a message saying "Data abort at 00051B44" The screen locks up and the ipod will not shut down. I'll just use the first theme if I can restart the ipod somehow, because it looks fantastic. Just wondering if there is any way to fix this problem, or if I did something wrong ^^
Thanks again ~
Anonymous, at 11:34 PM, November 24, 2006
Heey ... I tried to get this work :S but didn'r realy work with my iPod, i dont know where to put the files and i dont know if it works for ma iPod.. (iPod Video U2 Special Edition) i think it should work but its me who can't get it to work.. anyways plzz if anyone can help me plzz send to ma hotmail ... Nizoo_@hotmail.com just where to put it ^^ ThX
Anonymous, at 1:16 AM, December 03, 2006
Hi Guys,
First of all thanks for all the posts you made and then please accept my apologies for not getting back to you earlier, I really try to do my best to handle my private things too but unfortunately lately there was to much work on me so I wasn't able to get back to you guys.
Anyway, here is the current situation so you all know about it:
As you can see I wasn't able to make new builds in the last few months and I think I won't be able to do so in the next few ones too, but after that I hope/think/looks like things will cool down a bit and I will be able to pick up the work again on the rockbox patches/builds because I really miss it, so if you can please wait a bit more and you should have some new builds to play with.
To the ones who have the "no partition found error" I think there are two things that can happen to you, first of all you arent' using my builds and you are using the themes, or you are using the builds but you have to reset your ipod. Just try to swith the hold button on when you turn your ipod on and that should reset the rockbox settings so that should help (or at least I hope so)
No regarding future help, I recommend you guys to contact me trhough messenger I may not answer you all the time but you can be sure it will be a lot faster than commenting here and please don't be shy, if I won't answer you in the first just try again tomorrow and so on because there are days when I come home late so even if I have unanswered messenger windows I won't asnwer them because I'm to tired but next day I would do so, so just try again.
So guys, that would be the situation here, so just wanted to let you know that I'm not dead and I won't let my rockbox patches/themes die either.
Julius, at 4:57 AM, January 05, 2007
is this still alive? im just wondering where do i extract the build to on my ipod, and where to extract the theme? i cant seem to find this info anywhere, i will continue my search though..
Anonymous, at 6:20 PM, January 11, 2007
Hi NickB,
Yeah, it is alive, the builds work and the themes too with them, I'm still using the latest build and I never had any problems with it on my iPod 5g so you shouldn't have too, the only problem is that it's a bit outdated so new features aren't included in these builds, but I hope sooner or later I will update them.
Regarding the paths to install, just unzip the build to your "/" (root) directory and the themes should be unzipped into the "/.rockbox/" directory and that should work.
Julius, at 2:30 AM, January 15, 2007
Hi again just to ask for your permission to have a go at trying to port your green theme to the nano ??
Anonymous, at 3:13 PM, January 19, 2007
Hi Zill,
Sure, you have my full permission and I would like to thank you for considering this and for taking the tome to port it ower.
If there is anything just let me know.
Julius, at 4:56 AM, January 22, 2007
Hi everyone.
This is by far the best rockbox theme i've ever seen, all thumbs up for you Julius.
I have an iPod Photo (iPod 4G Color in rockbox terms) and want to build the latest SVN with the necessary patches to use this theme, but I can't make it build.
Could anyone tell me which patches and in which order do I have to apply them for this to work?
I really want this theme on my iPod.
Thanks in advance.
Anonymous, at 11:39 AM, February 04, 2007
Hi Sirius,
You can get all the patches from here:
and the order of applying them is numbered so just apply them from 01 to 10 and that should work.
There may be some patches that won't work with the latest svn tree but try to apply the rejected parts manually. (ps I will do some new patches hopefully this month with new builds too)
Julius, at 3:47 AM, February 05, 2007
Can someone upload the patched version of RockBox ???? I would really apreciated. Thanks in Advanced :)s
Anonymous, at 9:06 AM, February 16, 2007
Hi TheVolc, just browse around on the site and you will notice that the patched source is already up:
see: rockbox-jbuild-source
Julius, at 11:15 AM, February 16, 2007
Thank you very much Julius for your dedicated time to this beautiful l work of art, Its very cool, and not boooooring like apple firmware. Im going to install it to my ipod video. and all my friends want this on their ipod videos too.
My Thanks to The Genius who created RockBox. Its defenetly way cooler than Ipod original OS. Thanks again :D
Anonymous, at 6:13 AM, February 17, 2007
Hey man where do i put these patches and what font do i use for the best effect, i also have a problem with the theme there always seems to be words in the titlebar at the top unlike your pics, is there anything that can be done. thanks!
Anonymous, at 2:46 PM, July 28, 2007
Hi PJ,
The patches have to be applied to the source code, please google around or better see rockbox's page about howto apply patches and howto create your own build, but the more easier way would be to use the Evil-G Fusion build, you can find it on forums.rockbox.org just look around in the Custom builds threads.
The themes have to be updated cos there are new tags and the new patches have been rewritten a lot, so if anyone of you guys can send me the links to the new wps codes I would be grateful and I would overwrite the current ones so in the future you won't have to dig around for them.
Julius, at 12:39 AM, August 01, 2007
Hey, is this project still supported? I added you on yahoo and msn to talk about it if you have the time. Thanks for your work.
Anonymous, at 2:27 PM, November 10, 2007
Hi Spanky,
Not really, but the good news is that even if I haven't been able to keep the updates comming other developers have picked up my patches and they do good work to keep them synchronized so with those new patches you should be able to get it to work again, just go to the http://forums.rockbox.org and have a look within the "Custom builds" thread on the "EvilG Fusion build", that should have already all the new patches included but because these were changed you may need to use a new theme package too, but searching on the forums you should find them cos as I saw people ported the themes to the new patches too so from there you should be able to get everything you need to get them running.
I hope to be able to come back sometimes and make my own build again, but till then the above way is the best way to get everything running.
Julius, at 1:14 AM, November 11, 2007
Hey thanks for responding. I went into the unsupported builds thread and I saw several EvilG builds but they were only for 5g+. The only build that is there that works with my iPod is yours and it doesn't appear that they have updated it because it links back to this site and shows the patches and things that I have already downloaded. Can you add me on msn or something so maybe we can talk easier? I have a couple questions I would like to ask you.
My msn: natenkiki2004@yahoo.com
Anonymous, at 4:07 PM, November 11, 2007
hi julius please i need some information:
Were i can find the evilg fusion build?...the only direction for downloading that i found is evilg.cleansoap.org...but when i click' it it's tells me error direction not foud...you now where i can find it...please help mi email is loquepodainomas@hotmail.com
Anonymous, at 12:14 PM, March 17, 2008
If anyone would be so kind as to point me in the direction of how to use/build the patches i would be very grateful. i don't understand -pnum at all...
i've spent the last 3 hours searching google with little to no luck. if someone would be nice enough to build with the current patches and send me a link to the patched file(s) i would greatly appreciate it.
Anonymous, at 2:37 AM, April 07, 2008
anythingbutipod forums are more current/updated. free to register.
Anonymous, at 11:54 AM, April 07, 2008
Ipod 4G photo - 20GB
Anonymous, at 4:51 AM, May 06, 2008
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